The Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia (GoKC) has received funding from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Union (EU) to implement the Sustainable Assets for Agriculture Markets, Business and Trade (SAAMBAT) project.

Goal: is to “Reduce Poverty and Enhance Food Security”. The Project Development Objective is to “Increase Productivity of Rural Youth, Enterprises and the Rural Economy”. SAAMBAT two Components: (1) Value Chain Infrastructure; and, (2) Skills, Technology, and Enterprise. Two major Outcomes: (1) Poor rural people’s benefits from market participation increased, and (2) Poor rural people’s productive capacities increased. Project duration: Effective on 12th September 2019 with the intended completion date on 30th September 2025. Budget: the total estimated project cost is US$ 162.79 million.